Airport Car Service Transportation

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MUST Select Time for final fare ⇑ you can pick date/s & enter more details NEXT when you click on the BOOK BUTTON.

Check the box if you need:

4 - 6 passengers or if you have lots of bags (Minivan) +$10
Need us to provide child seats? + $10 each seat.(Seat description next).

Sam's Trans

Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport Car Service Transportation

Why Sam's Trans?

  • Commercially licensed as required by ADWM
  • Registered with PHX Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport Ground Transportation
  • Quick - non-stop transport to your destination
  • Convenient - easy online quotes and reservations
  • Comfortable - late-model airport Sedans and vans
  • Reliable Car Service - driver calls 30 minutes before pick-up to confirm
  • Accepting cash and all major credit cards
  • Providing child car seat/s upon request.